Welcome! I’m Umer, and this is my personal website.

I’m a scientist & developer in Open-Source AI. My current project is to make finetuning large models really fast.

Before that I took a sabbatical to transition from banking strategy consulting into deeptech AI R&D. I did that by contributing to HuggingFace diffusers, and previously LangChain and gpt-engineeer (where I became maintainer for a while).

I gave a well-received lecture on OpenAI Triton, a languge to easily program gpus, which led to this:

Jeremy Howard and Sayak Paul praising me - how nice of them!

Jeremy is founder & CEO of answer.ai and fast.ai. Sayak is maintainer of HuggingFace diffusers

On this site I share my learnings from doing AI R&D, and share writings on anything I find interesting.

Feel free to get in touch via umer.hayat.adil@gmail.com or Twitter (@UmerHAdil)!

PS: I like to create local community by e.g. organizing street festivals.